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Course Objectives:
to be achieved by the end of the quarter. A. To have a new understanding of
leading and managing people, motivating workers, the legal environment in which
people management must conform. B. Each student will develop an
appreciation for the dependence of agriculture on seasonal, migratory workers
with a different cultural heritage. C. Each student will gain an
understanding of the involvement of government and unions in the
employer-employee workplace. D. Each student will gain
understanding of the challenges in managing personnel (Human Resources
Class Materials: A.
Texts: The following textbook is required: HRM
Human Resource
Management, Mandy, Noe, Premeaux. B. Labor Management in Agriculture by Gregorio Encina Billikopf
Evaluation: Individual Activities PointsMidterm - Labor Mgt. Laws Book 125Final – Managing H.R. Book 200Class participation/attendance 1251st mini-topic 1252nd – negotiations write-up 175Class presentation / Term paper 250
Grading will be based on 95(A), 90 (A-), 80(B), 70(C), 60(D), Below 60(F)
Policies Late papers will be penalized 10% per class day. There are no make-up tests. If you feel you have a legitimate reason for not meeting your commitments, it must be discussed BEFORE the date of the commitment. Attendance in class is crucial to understanding and internalizing some of the skills being presented. Attendance is an important component of your final grade. If your absences become conspicuous, such as 4 during the quarter, you will be penalized one full letter grade.
Class writing projects As you became aware in section IV, writing and the presentation will be the significant part of your grade. The appropriate time should be spent utilizing the tools icon to assure your papers are well written. You are expected to utilize the course texts in your writing, in addition to outside sources, which could include the Course Web Sites. A bibliography is required for the term paper. When you use information downloaded from a web site, I would appreciate that a copy be attached to your assignment or that the web site is cited. The term paper will be due (the same day of your presentation) with the presentation of the topic you have selected. The presentations normally will be made in conjunction with the chapter, which covers the materials. The two mini-topics will be due on the 3rd and 6th weeks respectively. Any change to this schedule must be agreed to in advance with the instructor.
Chapter Reading We have a lot of material to cover during the course, therefore plan to have all the chapter material read prior to the date set forth in the attached schedule. It is expected that you will be prepared to discuss the course material.
Course Information Web Site http://www.members.tripod.com/rudypompa This site is currently under development but does contain key information for the course in an effort to minimize paper handouts.